
History at Skippers' Cove

Dating back over 60 years

Skippers' Cove was originally farmland. Investors from Suburban Gas Company, along with Senator Anton, saw that the land could be developed in 237 home sites. Approvals were obtained and planning maps were drawn in the late 1950s by Fellow and Reed civil engineers. These maps were approved by township planners in June of 1960 and by the township in July of 1960.

The name of the community changed several times within the first few years. It was known as Skippers' Cove, Inc., Skippers' Cove Civic Association, Inc., Skippers' Cove Yacht Club, Inc., and eventually became the Skippers' Cove Beach Club, Inc. in 1962.

The early years were full of turmoil. The Developers - Bernard (Builder) & Andes Colla (SP? - Project Manager) sold the initial properties using sales pitches that stated the property owners would share ownership rights to the beach, beach club, marina, and other common properties. At some point, the Developers realized that the beach consisted of five bay front properties that they could develop separately and sell individually so the reneged on their promise to the home site buyers.

A team of home owners, consisting of Vic Krygowski, Robery McTaggart, Joe Portale, and Tom Foley organized a legal defense and filed the first of two law suits.

Vic Krygowski had acquired a signed sales contract that included the promise of this land to the home buyers. This lawsuit went to court and the developers lost. The beach, club house, common properties, and marina site were forever to be a part of the Buyer's property as controlled by the deed restrictions. This land is commonly referred to as the "common properties".

Six deed restrictions were agreed to and all further sales had to include them as a part of the title (The deed restrictions can be found in this website under "Governance"). The 10 homes that had already been sold eagerly had their deeds amended to include the restrictions. In addition to giving them the rights to the common properties, one of the restrictions was 'mandatory membership' in the Skippers' Cove Beach Club, Inc. These deed restrictions are still today what secures owners rights to the 'common properties".

100% of the 237 homes sold in Skippers' Cove have this deed restriction with their current deed or as part of what is referred to as 'Chain of Title'.

The 2nd lawsuit that was filed years later was filed against the Skippers' Cove Beach Club, Inc. over the By-laws which stated that the membership dues were mandatory. This lawsuit was filed by 12 individuals and they lost their case in court. Ironically, Vic Krygowski was involved in that suit too. The lawsuit originated over a dispute caused by, then President, MaryLou Cassell. She hadn't changed the By-laws, all she did was started enforcing the part related to mandatory dues and she did that to pay for a new roof needed on the Club House. It was a brilliant move by this President, and likely saved the Club House.

1962:  The Club House, although promised to be be built the developers, was not yet built. Since Skippers' Cove, Inc. lost its lawsuit, the Developers were unable to sell the five bay front lots and were required to preserve that land for the Home Owners' use. But what about the Club House?

The Club House ended up actually being built by a group of volunteers. It was an
un-locked, open floored, small building where people could come to hang out. There was no bar and a very small kitchen. It had an A-framed roof.

Since it was never locked, it was a great place for 'kids' to hang out. But the needs changed over the years and the building was modified several times to meet those needs. Most recently, the hip-style roof was added right over top of the A-frame roof. Again, this was during MaryLou Cassell's tenure as President.

The inaugural organizational meeting of what we now know as the Skippers' Cove Beach Club, Inc. occurred on July 14th, 1962. They created the first By-laws which have since been amended many times. The last three amendments were 2001, 2005, and 2011. The 2001 amendment was required by the Department of Community Affairs as a result of the recognition that there were several items identified as non-compliant with State Law.

There were other By-law amendments over the years. The current By-laws were last modified in 2011 and added three homes to the footprint of Skippers' Cove, bringing the total number of homes to 240. This 2011 By-Law Amendment also included late fees and penalties for anyone failing to pay their dues. 

The most current versions is included in this website in the 'Governance' Section.

This 2011 By-Law Amendment also included late fees and penalties for anyone failing to pay their dues.

Naomi and Hank Osborne's (long time SCBC residents) adventure!!

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